plant-based Never Tasted so Good

I´m proud to pronounce my first cookbook with easy plant-based recipes for beginners.

Even inexperienced cooks can quickly conjure up delicious dishes with these simple recipes.

It will first be available in German. English and Croatian versions will follow shortly.



🇩🇪 Deutsche Version

ISBN 9783000743108

Dieses Kochbuch ist die perfekte Ressource für alle, die gerade erst mit einer veganen Lebensweise beginnen.

Hier findest Du eine große Auswahl an einfachen und unkomplizierten Rezepten, die es jedem ermöglichen, eine vegane Ernährungsweise ohne großen Aufwand in den Alltag zu integrieren.

14,90€ 10,00€



English Version

ISBN 9783000748219

This cookbook is the perfect resource for anyone who is just starting to integrate a vegan lifestyle into their daily routine.

Here you will find a wide selection of easy and uncomplicated recipes that allow anyone to easily integrate a vegan diet into their daily routine without much effort.

14,90 € 10,00€


can be Delicious

One of the biggest misconceptions about veganism is that it’s just about eating salads and raw veggies. While these can be part of a vegan diet, they are only the tip of the iceberg. Vegan cuisine incorporates a wide range of ingredients, spices, and cooking techniques to create a variety of dishes that are both delicious and healthy.

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