Nettle tea
Nettle plant is a powerful herbal medicine that treats many disorders
About this Recipe
By: Marija
Every year in may till june I pick a lots of stinging nettle to have enough through all year round. Nettle has many positive effects on the human body.
Have a great day!

In spring is the nettle still small and young which makes the leaves most tender. Later when the plant starts flowering the leaves become bitter.
Nettle plant is a powerful herbal medicine that treats many disorders, for example a urinary tract infections, painful muscles and joints, arthritis and many others. Nettle is also recommended for excessive menstrual bleeding. It can reduce the lenght of your period and severity of your cramps.
Stinging nettle can be used in many forms, as a cream, as teas, tinctures, or in a recipes such as soups and smoothies.
If you want to dry stinging nettle, there are several ways to do that. I personaly use the old school methode, i bundle them and hang them upside down in a shady breezy spot. The nettles are about 3-7 days later completely dry, of course, it depends on the bundle size and the air temperature. You can then remove the dry leaves and crush them easily with your hands, then store them in a jar or a paper bag. You can also dry them in a food dehydrator or in an oven.

• 2 Tsp. dried nettle leaves
• Boiling water
Step by Step Instructions
Step 1
Bring one cup of water to boil in a small pot. Turn off the heat.
Step 2
Add your dried nettle leaeves into the water, cover with a lid and leave for about 5 minutes.
Pour through a stainer into the cup.
If you prefer sweetener you can add sugar, honey, maple or some other.