Berry popsicles
Very simple popsicles made out of a berry mix !
About this Recipe
By: Marija
These summer treats are made for 3 moulds.
They are very simple with frozen mixed berrys such as raspberries and blueberries and it`s also rafined sugar-free.
It´s a perfect snack for the kids and the adults aswell.
It tastes sweet refreshing and aromatic.
These homemade popsicles are healthy and you can eat them at any time of the day
Have a great day!

- 130-150 g frozen raspberry-blueberry mix
- 100 ml canned coconut milk
- 2 dates

Step by Step Instructions
Step 1
Cut the dates into small pieces.
Step 2
Puree all ingredients well in a blender.
Step 3
Pour into ice molds and freeze for at least 5 hours before eating.