Hot Process Soap Recipe

Gentle and eco-friendly


About this Recipe

By: Marija

Safety First: Always wear protective gear, including gloves, safety glasses, and a mask. Ensure your workspace is well-ventilated.

Coloring Options: Add natural colorants like moringa powder for a beautiful, gentle finish.

Testing: Use pH strips to ensure your soap is safe, aiming for a pH between 7 and 10. Test if it’s bubbly—bubbles indicate successful saponification.




  • Olive Oil: 400 g
  • Coconut Oil: 250 g
  • Shea Butter: 150 g
  • Cocoa Butter: 100 g
  • Castor Oil: 50 g

Lye Solution:

  • Distilled Water: 300 ml
  • Lye (Sodium Hydroxide): 140 g


  • Moringa Powder: 1-2 teaspoons
  • Essential Oils: 20-40 ml (optional, for fragrance; e.g., lavender, peppermint, or tea tree)



    Step by Step Instructions

    Step 1

    Prepare the Lye Solution:

    Carefully add the lye to the distilled water, stirring until fully dissolved. Let it cool to 100-110°F (37-43°C).

    Step 2

    Melt and Mix the Oils:

    Melt the coconut oil, shea butter, and cocoa butter in the slow cooker. Add the olive oil and castor oil. Allow the mixture to cool to 100-110°F (37-43°C).

    Step 3

    Combine Lye and Oils:

    Pour the lye solution into the oils. Use a stick blender to mix until trace.

    Cook the soap mixture in the slow cooker on low, stirring every 15 minutes, until it reaches the mashed potato stage and appears glossy and translucent.

    Step 4

    Add Moringa Powder:

    After the soap is fully cooked, add the moringa powder. Mix thoroughly to ensure even distribution of color. You can mix the moringa powder with a small amount of water or oil before adding to avoid clumping.

    Add Optional Ingredients:

    If using, add essential oils and mix thoroughly.

    Step 5

    Mold the Soap:

    Scoop the mixture into the mold, press it down to remove air pockets, and smooth the top.

    Spray Isopropyl Alcohol (Optional):

    Lightly spray the top of the soap with 99% isopropyl alcohol to prevent soda ash.

    Step 6

    Cool and Cut:

    Allow the soap to cool and harden in the mold for 12-24 hours. Unmold and cut into bars.

    Step 7

    Cure the Soap:

    Cure the soap bars for a few weeks to improve hardness and lather.